Sleepy today, time for thinking

I'm now getting back into training, although I'm trying to do fewer and shorter sessions than I've been doing for most of this year. This is mainly about giving myself a break (physical and mental) but also a wee bit because I'd like to get faster, which I wont do by plodding along for 4hr runs. And it's the festive season so I need more time for putting on dresses and going out to dinner!!

Predictably, the weight of 'free time' on my hands has simply led to me scouring the web and wanting to enter every race under the sun. Some of the favourites for next year are up on the right hand side. I'm not sure it would be wise to do them all but then again, who needs wisdom if you're having fun? The Heb will be the one I put all my heart, hopes and imagination into!

This first week of proper training has been pretty tiring so I'm looking forward to a very quiet night tonight then a bit of a long lie tomorrow. It's just as well that with all the Christmas dinners on the horizon I'm back to my normal eating habits. I had a very brief spell of having some manners and a bit more of a ladylike attitude towards portion sizes. Over now.


kate said…
be careful, thinking and planning can be dangerous ;)
trio said…
Wow that is a lot of races you are thinking of! Looking forward to following your adventures in 2010!
I've recently decided to focus more on speed next year myself (this past year I started focusing more on the distance...) Lots of races sounds like fun :)

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